The Eenou-Eeyou Community Foundation

The Eenou-Eeyou Community Foundation provides philanthropic support for the Crees of Eeyou Istchee, in northern Quebec. The Foundation is Cree-led, with a Board of Directors comprised of Cree government and civil society leaders, and promotes the social and cultural development priorities of the Cree nation. 

The Foundation works to build capacity and resiliency in the Cree communities and institutions through funds related to education, youth development, culture, health and social services, and community development. 

We are the Cree Nation of Eeyou Istchee

The people of the Cree Nation of Eeyou Istchee have travelled far and worked hard to secure broad recognition of who we are, our remarkable history, and what we can accomplish. We have regained mastery of our lands and resources. We have established institutions of sound governance, launched flourishing businesses, and built strategic alliances with business and government at all levels. 

And yet, too many who live across the ten communities of Eeyou Istchee lack the advantages non-Native communities take for granted. In housing and social services, in health care and cultural development, in education and job creation, the gap remains far too wide.    

About the Foundation

Guided by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls for Action, the Eenou-Eeyou Community Foundation reflects the Eeyou Istchee philosophy of putting the needs of our land, our people, and our communities first. 

We are deeply committed to preserving the land we’ve walked for thousands of years, so both the Boreal forest and species like Woodland caribou, moose, and others are secured. The Cree Nation Government has set aside, untouched and undeveloped, almost a third of our land, and we insist on Cree-led environmental reviews of any development projects in the region. 

Guided by these principles, the Foundation supports a wide range of charitable causes across the region.

Eenou-Eeyou Community Foundation Goals

The Eenou-Eeyou Community Foundation works with the Cree Nation Government and other Cree stakeholders to:

  • Engage Cree organizations, communities and individuals, as well as corporate partners, private foundations and neighbours to lend philanthropic support for projects in Eeyou Istchee
  • Establish priorities for major social and cultural development projects
  • Develop pilot projects that can be replicated to attract long-term Cree and government support
  • Set rigorous standards to plan, execute, and report on programs, helping Cree grant-seekers build operational capacity
  • Establish major, professionally-managed endowments for priority areas and use endowment income to fund grants.

Foundation Board of Directors

The Eenou-Eeyou Community Foundation is the legacy of a long tradition of wise and prudent governance. The Board of Directors includes Cree leaders from the business, education, health and social services, culture, and government sectors distinguished by their high ethical standards and reputation.  

The Board sets policy and guidelines for assessing grant requests from Cree communities, and meets regularly to distribute grants. Decisions are based on the viability and expected impact of each project, and by carefully tracking each project’s progress and outcomes.

Dr. Sarah Pash, Chair
Chair – Cree School Board

Grand Chief  Mandy Gull-Masty
Chair – Cree Nation Government

Adrian N. Gunner
Youth Grand Chief, Cree Nation Youth Council

Derrick Neeposh
Chair – Cree Nation Government Board of Compensation

Bertie Wapachee
Chair – Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay

Our Work

Here is a list of our current and past initiatives

Figurr Architects Cree Education Fund

Figurr Architects Collective raised $7000 through a fundraising initiative that recognizes the firm’s long association with the Crees of Eeyou Istchee. Donations were made by Figurr staff, suppliers, and friends for a total of approximately $3500, and those contributions were matched through a corporate donation by the firm for a total of $7000.

MasterCard Youth Development Fund

A $3 million partnership with the Mastercard Foundation to support and empower the youth of the Cree Nation of Eeyou Istchee. The Foundation will utilize the funds to enhance the Cree Nation Youth Council’s capacity to support Cree youth. The Council represents Cree youth to the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee) and delivers projects and programs that foster the growth of youth as current and future leaders of the Cree Nation.

Fulbright Recognition

The Eenou-Eeyou Community Foundation recently received a Fulbright Canada “Honouring Nations Canada” Indigenous Governance Award for the innovative Teepee project.

Sophie Happyjack-Bosum Memorial Fund

This fund pays tribute to a woman who was a firm believer and a great promoter of investing in Eenou and Eeyou children, youth, and community. Donations to this fund are used to fund education and community projects. Learn more here.

Newmont Éléonore Fundraising Campaign

The “Orange Shirt Day Fund” is a partnership with the employees of the Newmont Éléonore’s state-of-the-art gold mine located in Eeyou Istchee. Their team raised almost $10,000, including a matching donation from the company, as a meaningful way to show their support for the Crees of the region.

Forest Fire Emergency Fund

A special Fund was initiated in the summer of 2023 to help Cree families who have been severely affected by the fires. The Foundation is working closely with the Cree Trappers Association and the Cree Nation Government to identify and support those most in need throughout Eeyou Istchee.

Teepee Project

A unique place of healing and companionship that brings Cree cooking and culture to Mohawk territory for long-term Cree hospital patients. The Kahnawake Mohawk Nation, the Foundation, and Foundation partner Beneva Assurance provide sustaining funding to the Cree Health Board’s teepee project.

Power Corporation Contribution to Youth Development Fund

Power Corporation generously contributed to the Foundation’s “Casting Our Net Wider” campaign, which supports various projects that help build the future of Eeyou Istchee.

Mastercard Foundation Partnership (Covid-19 Recovery and Resilience)

A partnership which supported connectivity and access to technology for students navigating virtual and distance learning due to the pandemic.

Aanischaaukamikw Cree Cultural Institute Interactive Website

Funded by Mastercard Foundation, this initiative includes a completely refreshed website and features a full virtual reality video walking tour of the Institute. Visit the website here.

Robin’s Nest Grant Received from Dragonfly Ventures

This grant was allocated to the Robin’s Nest women’s shelters to offer support in response to Covid-19.

La Capitale Gift for Health and Social Services

Support for health and social service projects including mobile health care facilities across Eeyou Istchee through the Cree Health Board.

RBC Future Launch Community Challenge “Usdaadaouw” Youth Project

This grant supports the “Uusdaadaouw: Let’s Build” project, providing funds for five youth-led community art initiative designed to promote the sharing of artistic expression and development of leadership through a homegrown Eeyou Istchee solution.


October 15, 2024

Newmont Éléonore Orange Shirt Day Fund Contributes $15,000 to the Eenou-Eeyou Community Foundation

EECF Receives $15,000 in Donations from Newmont Éléonore

This year, over 100 Newmont Éléonore employees contributed almost $7,500 to their Orange Shirt Day Fund. The company matched this amount for a total donation of $15,000.

The Eenou-Eeyou Community Foundation is very pleased to again this year, receive donations from the employees of Newmont Éléonore for their Orange Shirt Day Fund. Orange Shirt Day is a commemorative day which raises awareness of individual, family and community intergenerational impacts of residential schools. The event is held each year on September 30 to mark the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

This year, over 100 Newmont Éléonore employees contributed almost $7,500, and the company has matched this amount for a total donation of $15,000. The mine’s team has once again chosen this meaningful way to show their continued support for the Crees of the region.

“The Eenou-Eeyou Community Foundation thanks Newmont Éléonore for their contribution in recognition of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation,” said Dr. Sarah Pash, Cree Foundation Chair. “We are grateful that Newmont Éléonore and its employees are honouring such a meaningful day that hits so close to home for our people. We thank Newmont Éléonore for choosing to support our Foundation.”

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September 20, 2024

Figurr Architects Collective Raises $7,000 for Cree Students

Figurr Architects Collective Raises $7,000 for Cree Students

The Eenou-Eeyou Community Foundation has received a generous contribution from Figurr Architects Collective. The Figurr Architects Cree Education Fund raised $3,500 from its employees and partners, which Figurr matched for a total donation of $7,000.

The Eenou-Eeyou Community Foundation has received a generous contribution from Figurr Architects Collective. The Figurr Architects Cree Education Fund raised $3,500 from its employees and partners, which Figurr matched for a total donation of $7,000. This initiative recognizes and honours the firm’s long-established relationship with the Crees of Eeyou Istchee.

Figurr Senior Partner Stephen Rotman expressed his appreciation for this latest endeavour: “On behalf of Figurr Architects Collective, I want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who donated to the Figurr Architects Cree Education Fund. Launched in honour of Figurr’s 35th anniversary, this fund establishes opportunities for educational success and empowers Cree youth in Eeyou Istchee.”

“This serves as a clear example of how organizations can work together to make a positive impact in the Cree Nation and for Cree youth,” said Dr. Sarah Pash, Chair of the Eenou-Eeyou Community Foundation. “We are touched, and we thank Figurr, its employees, and partners for sending a strong message through this contribution. Your donation emphasizes the importance of supporting Cree youth as they pursue school and realize their dreams.”

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July 12, 2024

Mastercard Foundation Supports Cree Nation Youth

Mastercard Foundation Supports Cree Nation Youth

The Eenou-Eeyou Community Foundation is very pleased to announce that we have received a $3 million donation from the Mastercard Foundation to support and empower the youth of the Cree Nation of Eeyou Istchee.

The Eenou-Eeyou Community Foundation is very pleased to announce that we have received a $3 million donation from the Mastercard Foundation to support and empower the youth of the Cree Nation of Eeyou Istchee.

We will utilize the funds to enhance the Cree Nation Youth Council’s capacity to support Cree youth. The Council represents Cree youth to the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee) and delivers projects and programs that foster the growth of youth as current and future leaders of the Cree Nation.

“The Cree Nation Youth Council is doing essential work representing the voice of our youth at the Grand Council of the Crees and empowering Cree youth in all of our communities”, explains Foundation Chair Dr. Sarah Pash. “On behalf of the Eenou-Eeyou Community Foundation, I want to express how thankful we are for this generous support from the Mastercard Foundation.”

Youth Grand Chief Adrian N. Gunner adds: “First of all, I would like to thank the Eenou-Eeyou Community Foundation and the Mastercard Foundation for their generous and thoughtful support to the Cree Nation Youth Council! We are excited that this support will increase our capacity to work closely with our elected Youth Chiefs, Youth Councils and Youth Departments in our ten communities of Eeyou Istchee. This support will help us represent, advocate and implement our leadership development as young leaders today and tomorrow.”

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About the Crees of Eeyou Istchee

We are the Eenou and the Eeyou

We are over 20,000 strong, living in 10 Cree communities across Northern Quebec. 

We have lived in harmony with the cycles of nature for millennia. Ancient laws and customs guided the Crees’ shared stewardship of a vast territory called Eeyou Istchee. When Europeans arrived, our people integrated some valuable European technologies and ways. We developed a reputation as skilled negotiators and intermediaries with other nations. The Cree system of land and resource management began to shift in the early 1600s.

When the Hudson’s Bay Company was established (1670), we expanded our traditional trapping practices to participate in this fur-trading economy. Like First Nations across the continent, the Crees gradually lost control of our lands, rights, and resources. Families were uprooted from their homes and lands. Poverty became a way of life, and many of our children were forced into the infamous residential school system, whose long shadow haunts Canada and Indigenous Peoples to this day.

Taking Control of our Destiny

In the 1970’s, when a massive hydroelectric project threatened Cree lands and way of life, the leaders of Eeyou Istchee stepped forward. They changed the project’s course, won self-government for the Crees, and established a strong voice in future developments.

Quebec’s James Bay hydroelectric project, planned without consulting the people most affected, was a defining moment in modern Cree history. The project would forever flood Cree lands and erase an ancient way of life. In response to this threat to our very existence, our leaders launched challenges in the courts of law and public opinion and successfully negotiated compensation for the affected communities.

On November 11, 1975, the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement (JBNQA) was signed–a world first for Indigenous peoples. Beyond material compensation, the agreement formalized self-government and territorial rights. This agreement launched a movement toward increasing self-determination for the Crees of Eeyou Istchee. 

Subsequent agreements include the Paix des Braves Agreement (2002) and the New Relationship Agreement with the federal government (2008). The Eeyou Istchee James Bay Governance Agreement (2012) established shared governance, development and partnerships across one of the world’s largest regional governments. The Crees of Eeyou Istchee and the Government of Canada Agreement (2017) advanced Cree self-governance on lands surrounding the Cree communities.   

Each has been an important milestone in helping us determine our way forward.

Restoring Balance

As a nation, we have evolved significantly since the signing of the JBNQA. Today, many Cree-owned business flourish and contribute to Quebec and Canadian prosperity. We manage our own education and health care systems very effectively, and deliver culturally appropriate essential services across our vast territory.

Through our community and economic development efforts, we are rebuilding long-standing family and community structures, but much remains to be accomplished. Within this challenging social and economic environment, the Eenou-Eeyou Community Foundation aims to make a profound difference through programs that will respond to the needs of our people and our communities. 

Philanthropy in Action —
Aanischaaukamikw Cree Cultural Institute

In the late 1990’s, the Cree Elders identified the need for a major cultural institution in Eeyou Istchee that would embody their vision of “aanscha”—the passing on of Cree culture and traditions. In 2000, the leaders of Eeyou Istchee established a charitable foundation, the Aanischaaukamikw Foundation. The Foundation executed a highly successful $25 million fundraising campaign by inviting philanthropic partners to invest in a ground-breaking new cultural organization that would celebrate and protect Cree language and culture.

Located in Oujé-Bougoumou and completed in 2011, Aanischaaukamikw is today among the world’s leading institutions devoted to the study of Indigenous history and culture. The Aanischaaukamikw Foundation’s great philanthropic success demonstrated the Cree’s ability to manage a successful major fundraising campaign, and proved our capacity to engage governments, corporations, institutions, and the people of Eeyou Istchee. The Aanischaaukamikw campaign’s success paved the way for the Eenou-Eeyou Community Foundation, established in 2016. 

Learn more about the Sophie Happyjack -Bosum Memorial Fund here.

New Memorial Fund